Bigot Apologetics

“Apologetics” is a term used by/for right wing hardline Christians to explain and handwave away the contradictions and problematic bits of the Bible and their stances on various topics and to bolster their own opposition to the growing convictions that many of us hold about things like kindness, generosity, and acceptance.

And this meme/Facebook post is a shining example of this view.

OK, but you never knew this before – you saw a picture and a name that wasn’t even hers, and swallowed the stereotype without a single thought.

Absolutely none of us gave a rat’s ass who she was up until people of colour began shaming all of us for erasing black history and for making the big bucks off their backs.

In the same way that fundamentalists and evangelicals cherry-pick through both books of the Bible to find that one verse or single sentence in the OT that supports their views, while screaming at the rest of us that we’re taking things out of context when we point out the hypocrisy of the way they completely ignore the parts where Jesus wants peace and tolerance and kindness out of them, and asks his followers to not go around praying in public, bigots of all stripes and their corporate masters try to pretend that it’s other people’s fault that white westerners erased pretty much the entirety of black culture and history.

It’s the way that when the ingrained misogyny of the west is pushed back against, they scream about how much worse it is for women in X country or religion – as if “not being quite that bad” is a virtue and a good reason not to improve (meanwhile trying to wrest away every gain women in the west have managed to win even the most basic of human rights they achieved over the last century…).

It’s part and parcel of the overall scheme of portraying the solution to climate chaos is down to the individual effort (Recycle your garbage! Ban plastic straws! Stop driving!) to deflect attention away from the way their private jets belch out literal tons of harmful emissions every year or how, if we divested from fossil fuels, 40% of all shipping traffic would essentially disappear.

So stop letting the 1% and their water=carriers guilt you up and distract you from the real problem, which is that they utterly refuse to find or utilize the practical solutions to the problems in favour of hate, complicity, laziness, and above all: MONEY.

Trust me. No matter how much you lick their boots, they will never, ever send you a cheque and welcome you in as part of their elite and perfumed little clique.

If you want to know more about why I feel the way I do, you can buy my book:

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